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Alamat Bali Semesta Hotel Bali

Alamat Bali Semesta Hotel Bali
Jl. Segara merta
Gg. Teratai I No.10 Kuta Bali-Indonesia
Phone   : +62 85 857 263 72

Bali Semesta Hostel is located at heart of Kuta, The Home stay near Bali Airport only 5 minutes walk from the Ngurah Rai International Airport,  only 5 minutes to the famed Kuta Beach, Shopping Centre, Restaurants, pubs and night clubs. It is ideal for surfers, backpackers or simply budget conscious travelers looking for a decent place to bed down for a night or two.
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Trigana Air Service, Semarang

Trigana Air Service Customer Service Bandara Ahmad Yani Semarang Phone: (024)7617621 - 70090020 Fax: (024)76632551 Museum Rangga Warsita Jl....